I looked through all of my R7RS tests
and I don't think I have any that matter if
interaction-environment is different on each call or different
than load. I have some where I test import and define-library that
do matter, but I don't think those tests are portable anyway.
In Foment, you can define a library using eval: (eval
'(define-library (foo bar) ...)) and (foo bar) will be available
for importing. That means as you are developing a program and
libraries, you can just put them all into the same file to begin
with and use load to try it out. Does chibi do something similar?
;;; Put all the code into a single file, for example, program.scm
;;; foment -i -l program.scm
;;; will define the library, run the program, and leave you at a
(define-library (hello)
(import (scheme base))
(import (scheme write))
(export hello)
(define (hello) (write '|hello, world!|))))
(import (scheme write))
(import (hello))
(hello) (newline)
On 10/24/2013 9:09 PM, Michael Montague wrote:
I used a different approach. I use a
procedure very like load, but that handles (must-equal
<result> <expr>) and (must-raise <exception>
<expr>) specially. Using this approach, I could start
testing before I had syntax-rules working, and even before I had
all that much of a scheme system working.
Right now, that procedure is written in C, but I am in the
process of making it a scheme program, and making my tests
compatible with (chibi test).
The specification for (interaction-environment) says that it
"returns a specifier for a mutable environment..." Does it
return the same environment every time that it is called? Does
it return the same environment as
that used by load? must-raise can easily be transformed to
(test-error (eval '(lambda () expr) (interaction-environment)))
but the following example will not work if
interaction-environment does not return the same environment as
load -- assuming the tests are run by load. And I don't think
the following example will work at all if the tests are run as a
program, assuming the must-raise to test-error transformation.
(define (l x y) x)
(must-raise (assertion-violation l) (l 3))
(must-raise (assertion-violation l) (l 3 4 5))
Here is an R7RS program which will handle testing with
must-equal and must-raise. It does not check for a specific
exception being raised because that is implementation specific.
;; A program to run the tests.
;; <scheme> runtests.scm <test> ...
(import (scheme base))
(import (scheme cxr))
(import (scheme eval))
(import (scheme file))
(import (scheme process-context))
(import (scheme read))
(import (scheme repl))
(import (scheme write))
(define pass-count 0)
(define fail-count 0)
(define (run-tests lst)
(define (fail obj ret)
(set! fail-count (+ fail-count 1))
(display "failed: ")
(write obj)
(display ": ")
(write ret)
(let ((env (interaction-environment)))
(define (test-must-equal obj)
(let ((ret (eval (caddr obj) env)))
(if (equal? (cadr obj) ret)
(set! pass-count (+ pass-count 1))
(fail obj ret))))
(define (test-must-raise obj)
(guard (exc
((error-object? exc) (set! pass-count (+
pass-count 1)))
(else (fail obj exc)))
(eval (caddr obj) env)
(fail obj "no exception raised")))
(define (test port)
(let ((obj (read port)))
(if (not (eof-object? obj))
((and (pair? obj) (eq? (car obj)
(test-must-equal obj))
((and (pair? obj) (eq? (car obj)
(test-must-raise obj))
(else (eval obj env)))
(test port)))))
(if (not (null? lst))
(display (car lst))
(call-with-port (open-input-file (car lst))
(run-tests (cdr lst))))))
(run-tests (cdr (command-line)))
(display "pass: ") (display pass-count) (display " fail: ")
(display fail-count) (newline)
On 10/24/2013 5:48 PM, Alex Shinn wrote:
On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:53 AM, Michael
Montague <mikemon@x>