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Re: [Scheme-reports] programs and cond-expand

Michael Montague scripsit:

> In Foment, you can define a library using eval: (eval '(define-library
> (foo bar) ...)) and (foo bar) will be available for importing. That
> means as you are developing a program and libraries, you can just
> put them all into the same file to begin with and use load to try it
> out. Does chibi do something similar?

No.  In Chibi, define-library and the names of library declarations
appear in a special library named (meta), which is implicitly loaded
when a .sld file is imported.  It is not visible in any other library.

Barry thirteen gules and argent on a canton azure           John Cowan
fifty mullets of five points of the second,             cowan@x
six, five, six, five, six, five, six, five, and six.
        --blazoning the U.S. flag           http://www.ccil.org/~cowan

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