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Re: [Scheme-reports] Legacy caar to cddddr
| Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 23:08:22 +0900
| From: Alex Shinn <alexshinn@x>
| On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 7:47 AM, Aubrey Jaffer <agj@x> wrote:
| ...
| The actual examples given in this thread so far only
| include up to N=2, M=2, so we can only conclude that
| the exception may in fact be necessary.
| > How does destructuring work with mutation? Does assigning to a
| > bound variable alter the matched structure?
| Wright's syntax does allow for mutation.
Cool! URL for Wright's syntax?
Does it have a way to match without binding; or does one need to match
the whole structure even when interested in only one slot?
| > Writing calls to SET-CAR! and SET-CDR! would require binding the pair
| > containing the pointer to be changed. That would destroy the
| > obviousness of destructuring, but is easy to deal with using C*R: just
| > remove the first character after the "C" (CR is the identity
| > function).
| I'd be interested to see real-world examples of (set-car! (c[ad]{3,}r x) y).
Here are uses matching "set-c[ad]r! (c[ad][ad][ad]"
(if (and (pair? (cadar part))
(eq? 'lambda (caadar part))
(all-liftable? (cddr (cadar part)))
(liftable-nameocc? name (cddr (cadar part)))
(liftable-nameocc? name (cons 'begin passed))
(liftable-nameocc? name (cons 'begin (cddr term))))
(set! *local-liftnames*
(cons name *local-liftnames*))
(set-car! (cadar part) *liftable-lambda*)))
(define (tok:read-char dyn)
(let ((c (read-char (cadr dyn))))
(set-car! (cddddr dyn)
(if (or (eqv? c #\newline) (eof-object? c))
(+ 1 (car (cddddr dyn)))))
(if (file-unlock! filename certificate)
(set-car! (cdddr entry) #f)
(slib:warn 'file-unlock! filename certificate 'failed))
| My guess is these are examples of abusing lists as records.
When using association-lists it is natural to use a list for other
fields. I don't consider that abuse.
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