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Re: [Scheme-reports] Proposal for New Complex Number Syntax

quad writes:

>    <carg> ::= <real> | "+inf.0" | "-inf.0"
>    <complex> ::= "#cr(" <carg> <carg> ")"
>                | "#cp(" <carg> <carg> ")"
> and represent, and more compatible with the rest of the standard. A
> major benefit of this approach is that it frees the usage of "@"
> (except for unquote splicing), which seems wasteful for representing a
> particular form of complex numbers.

May I point out that this last one is now a non-argument. "@" was
already freed and can be used in symbols and identifiers.

(define @ make-polar)  (define e@pi/2 (@ (exp 1) (/ (acos -1) 2)))
e@pi/2         ==> 1.66441259930543e-16+2.71828182845905i
(angle e@pi/2) ==> 1.5707963267949

Tested with chibi. `(, @) requires the space.

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