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Re: [Scheme-reports] ratification vote for R7RS-small

Jean-Michel HUFFLEN scripsit:

> This application (bibliography production) deals with texts. That is  
> why I would have liked the process of Unicode to provide more  
> functionalities, in particular a better interface of possible encoding  
> for input and output files. I am waiting impatiently for the design of  
> R7RS-large.

I hope you'll be able to contribute to it.  You might want to look at
<http://trac.sacrideo.us/wg/wiki/FilesAdvancedCowan> (which depends on
<http://trac.sacrideo.us/wg/wiki/SettingsListsCowan>) and let me know
what you think.

John Cowan   cowan@x  http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
Most languages are dramatically underdescribed, and at least one is
dramatically overdescribed.  Still other languages are simultaneously
overdescribed and underdescribed.  Welsh pertains to the third category.
        --Alan King

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