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Re: [Scheme-reports] Boolean hemlines

Alex Shinn scripsit:

> There was no keyboard involved - it was a matter of skimming
> through a log of results from different implementations and not
> being able to recognize one.  As you said:
>   [Cowan]: [Summary of which impls return #t for eq? for
>   empty strings and for empty vectors, saying most impls
>   return #f for both and listing only exceptions].
>   [Shinn]: You missed Chibi, which returns #true for vectors and
>   #false for strings and bytevectors.
>   [Cowan]:  Right; it didn't jump out of the log.  I went back and
>   scrutinized the log more carefully, and there are no more cases.
> This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about -
> long lists of alternating #t and #f are hard to read.

What didn't jump out of the log was Chibi, because it doesn't print a
banner on startup.  After that I changed my script so that it begins by
outputting a great big comment block saying "RUN ALL SCHEMES" and then
outputs a smaller comment block containing the name of the implementation
before running each Scheme.  That way I am less likely to miss any
Schemes altogether.  That had nothing to do with confusing #t and #f.

One Word to write them all,             John Cowan <cowan@x>
  One Access to find them,              http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
One Excel to count them all,
  And thus to Windows bind them.                --Mike Champion

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