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Re: [Scheme-reports] An erratum in section 5.3.3?

Happy to be helpful :-)

2013/12/11 John Cowan <cowan@x>:
> Yuichi Nishiwaki scripsit:
>> (define-values (x y) (integer-sqrt 17))
>> Is this a miswriting of `exact-integer-sqrt`?
> Yes, it is.  Thank you for catching this error.  Added to the errata
> list and fixed in the errata branch.
> --
> By Elbereth and Luthien the Fair, you shall     cowan@x
> have neither the Ring nor me!  --Frodo          http://www.ccil.org/~cowan

Yuichi Nishiwaki
The University of Tokyo, Dept. of Information Science
DeNA Co., Ltd.

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