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Re: [Scheme-reports] 6.1 Exceptions needs examples
* John Cowan [2012-03-22 23:30] writes:
> Helmut Eller scripsit:
>> guard could avoid full continuations in (at least) two ways:
>> 1. When no cond-clause matches, guard re-raises the condition in the
>> dynamic context of the guard form. This is similar to Java's
>> try-catch (+ the implicit re-throw).
>> 2. Evaluate the cond-tests in the dynamic environment of the original
>> raise. The advantage of this strategy is that it preserves the
>> context of the error; which is useful for debugging. This is similar
>> to Common Lisp's HANDLER-CASE.
> #2 is trivially simulated by using `with-exception-handler` and putting
> the cond inside the handler. The point of `guard` is that it packages
> up the necessary escape operation.
This is not what I meant. As I already said in to Aaron: note that I
said the "cond-tests". Only the cond-tests are evaluated in the dynamic
environment of raise; the <expression>s of the matching cond-clause are
evaluated in the dynamic environment of the guard clause.
> If I had to choose, I'd prefer #1. Note that if there is no else clause,
> the behavior is effectively #1.
My example had no else clause, yet the behavior was not like #1. That
example requires full continuations.
Or did you mean "if there is AN else clause"? Then yes.
> A compiler or smart macro-expander
> could notice this and take advantage of it.
Yes, if the compiler can prove that one clause is going to match then
it can avoid full continuations.
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