On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 6:25 AM, Andrzej
<ndrwrdck@x> wrote:
BTW, I still don't know whether we should care about UNQUOTE and
UNQUOTE-SPLICING keywords too. What should be a result of the
(display (let ((unquote-splicing apply))
`(,@(list + 1 2))))
=> (<procedure +> 1 2) ?
=> ((apply <procedure +> (list 1 2))) ?
=> ((unquote-splicing <procedure +> (list 1 2))) ? (that's what I get
in mzscheme)
Surely, that's not what you got in mzscheme -- typo? When I type that into mzscheme v4.2.2, I get:
=> ((unquote-splicing (list + 1 2)))
...which makes the most sense to me.