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Re: [Scheme-reports] Query - Pairs and Lists
On 03/04/2012 12:41 PM, Eli Barzilay wrote:
> 30 minutes ago, Per Bothner wrote:
>> You could have a bit or separate typecode for non-list cons
>> cells - for example LIST_PAIR vs NON_LIST_PAIR. Cons creates
>> a LIST_PAIR if the cdr is '() or a LIST_PAIR, and creates a
>> NON_LIST_PAIR otherwise. set-cdr! checks the new cdr if it
>> is a NON_LIST_PAIR *or* if the set-cdr! would create a cycle.
>> In that case checking for a pure list is O(1). Only set-cdr!
>> becomes order-of-magnitude slower, but it's not a function
>> we want to encourage use of anyway.
> `set-cdr!' is much worse:
> (define foo (cons 1 '()))
> (define bar (cons 1 foo))
> (list? bar)
> (set-cdr! foo 1)
> (list? bar)
Indeed. In which case the idea of two kinds of cons operator
(creating a LIST_PAIR and NON_LIST_PAIR, respectively),
is appealing - at least if we were starting from scratch.
--Per Bothner
per@x http://per.bothner.com/
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